Friday, July 10, 2020
William C. Harris Funeral Directors Spanish Lake Chapel
1645 Redman Avenue.
St. Louis, Missouri 63138
Funeral Service
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Greater St. Mark Family Church
9950 Glen Owen Dr.
St. Louis, Missouri 63136
Calvary Cemetery
For Donations Visit
From the Smith and white family rest in peace cuz
My prayers are with you and your family. I will miss you dearly cuz with all your crazy ways. Love You always. Diane Bills/Huntsville, Alabama
Thoughts and Prayers to the a Family, you have our deepest condolences, we will keep you uplifted in Prayer,
Alissa Bryant and Family
Prayers to the family. So sorry for your lost! Sending love your cousins the WHITE FAMILY
My prayers are with you at this time