Saturday, February 11, 2023
William C. Harris Funeral Directors -Spanish Lake Directors
1645 Redman Ave
St. Louis, MO 63138
Funeral Service
Saturday, February 11, 2023
William C. Harris Funeral Directors -Spanish Lake Directors
1645 Redman Ave
St. Louis, MO 63138
Oak Grove Cemetery
Live Stream Link
True friends are the ones you feel transparent with, You can be your complete self around them. You’ll know because you won’t feel judged, manipulated, and it feels genuine. It’s almost effortless when you stay connected without even trying hard, no matter where you are. True Friends are the people you grow with, the ones who help keep you grounded, who will help you reach your potential, and the ones who aren’t afraid to show you your own imperfections to help you become better, and vice versa.
We were true friends until the end. I miss you So much. Say hello to the Genie Man for me.
I will see you again.