Monday, August 8, 2022
William C. Harris Funeral Directors-Spanish Lake Chapel
1645 Redman Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63138
Monday, August 8, 2022
William C. Harris Funeral Directors-Spanish Lake Chapel
1645 Redman Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63138
Bethlehem Cemetery
To the Cooper Family
D.C. (Darryl C) Cooper Tribute from his fellow Toastmasters.
Our esteemed Toastmaster member, D.C. (Darryl C) Cooper passed away Saturday July 30 in St. Louis. He was an active member in 3 Toastmasters clubs, often serving in officer roles: Aspiring Speakers (immediate past president), River City and Toast of SLU (President). He was also a frequent contributor at the district level, most recently hosting the Friday night session of the District 8 Annual Conference.
D.C. loved competing in speech contests. He was a founding and core member of the Competitive Speakers Toastmasters club (recently renamed Aspiring Speakers) as well as the Toast of SLU. He was a perennial competitor/winner in club, Area, Division and even District…
Dearest Sharon I’m not able physically to be there for you but know that you are in my thoughts and prayer. Geri Gibbs
We extend our heartfelt sympathy and prayers to the our Dear Cousins, the Cooper family. Though not present in body, we are present in spirit during the celebration of life. May your wonderful memories of Darryl and God's promise to never leave us help to sustain you during this time. Darryl was a SPECIAL gift from God. As a young man, we had many conversations where he demonstrated an insatiable desire to learn, strong faith in God, and a commitment to help others. His humor could brighten any moment, and it was heartwarming to be referred to as "Uncle Ben and Aunt Girtha." He was always excited about touring Washington, DC when he visited our family in Reston, VA. Peace…
My dear cousin.