Friday June 5, 2020
William C. Harris Funeral Directors Spanish Lake Chapel
1645 Redman Ave
St. Louis, Missouri 63138
Friday June 5, 2020
William C. Harris Funeral Directors Spanish Lake Chapel
1645 Redman Ave
St. Louis, Missouri 63138
Oak Grove Cemetery
For Donations Visit
I've never met a person with a heart and soul as pure as yours.
When we were young...
You were my first roommate, you taught me how to read and made me like school. You told me that I was smart and can live anywhere on God's green earth and thrive.
You were always bigger than me, so you showed me how to be tough physically and not fear anyone.
Most of all when you fell ill, you showed me how to be mentally tough.
You listened to all my stories of where I've been over and over again.
It's with deep sorrow to know I wont see you again in this world.
I know it's not goodbye forever...just bye…