Tuesday, January 25, 2022
William C. Harris Funeral Directors- Spanish Lake Chapel
1645 Redman Ave
St. Louis, MO 63138
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
William C. Harris Funeral Directors- Spanish Lake Chapel
1645 Redman Ave
St. Louis, MO 63138
Laurel Hill Cemetery

Kenny was my friend from Stowe Elementary School until we were adults. He also became good friends with my ex-husband. I also remember his sister, Sandra, we were also grade school friends. I remember Butchy was the cute little boy. We all lived on Cote Brilliante, I was in the 5900 Block & the Mollisons lived in the 5800 block. The last time I saw & had a long conversation with Kenny, my ex-husband had passed away. Kenny, you are truly going to be missed, my grade school friend from Stowe Elementary School. Prayers & Condolences for the Mollison family........
I could not say much at my best friends HOMEGOING. I could not go to the food eating and drinking. Kenny and Michael and Michael , Hosea and me were a special group from sixth grade until our senior high year. Kenny reached back to me after a four year break and forty years later he is spiritual in every sense of the word. My wife had no problem with being my other best friend. Now she at least is the girl I told Kenny about and at 18 he said " she dat, bad man?!Gotta go here come the tears.